Supporting Student Learning • Quality Content • Value & Service
As Multimedia Services members, all school staff are entitled to 24/7 access to utilize th
e media resources that are available in CaliforniaStreaming and Grolier Online. Additionally, student accounts may be setup for member schools. If you have an account, download our Login and Usage Basics handoutto assist you in navigating with CaliforniaStreaming, or visit our Media Gallery to view the Professional Development videos available.
Staff Accounts
To facilitate serving each teacher member, download this Excel spreadsheet to provide us with up-to-date staff information. After completing the required cells, rename the file with your school and/ordistrict name and keep the extension .xls. (i.e., EmersonGarvey.xls) Then email the renamed file tous at Contact us if there are any questions or you need an alternate wayto submit your staff list.
Professional Development
Workshops from Multimedia Services help teachers make effective use of available programs andservices. As a benefit, training is available at no cost to member schools. Workshops are led by a certificated coordinator and are individualized to meet your needs. We will work with you to tailor aworkshop to your students' needs, to select an instructional focus, and to work within your time constraints. Please contact us to get more information or to schedule a workshop. Explore the research supporting multimedia use in the classroom.
Content Acquisition
Our media has been selected by educators, is legally compliant, and is in support of California Content Standards—including Common Core State Standards. If you don’t see a title you wish or have spotted a content gap in our collection, please let us know so we can pursue evaluation and possible purchase to support your teaching needs.
Consider Multimedia Services your extended staff!