New Members

Why consider membership with LACOE's Multimedia Services?

Student Learning

Decades of research confirms that teachers who utilize videos with just a few simple strategies, provide their students with stronger instruction giving them greater understanding—particularly of complex concepts—and longer information retention. Explore the research supporting multimedia use in the classroom.

Quality Content

Working with the California County Educational Technology Consortium (CCETC), we areable to best target our content licensing to support the instructional needs of California’s educators. Our hand-selected, previewed, and correlated content provides the best available content from a diverse distributor base.

Value & Service

We are confident that you will find no better value—ever! For less than the cost of one textbook per classroom, our comprehensive membership offers premium content with CaliforniaStreaming and Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, and content through partnerships from Annenberg Learner and Pics4Learning. Plus our service includes stellar professional development support. Consider MultimediaServices your extended staff!

If you are ready for membership, complete the Intent to Contract form to begin service. For a personalized quote for your school or district, complete a Contact request and select “Member Information” or “CaliforniaStreaming Trial,” call (562) 922-6107, or email us at